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Writer's pictureEureka Global

Hands-on for the Next Normal

Narudee 'Poom' Kristhanin Per Kristiansen

In March 2021 Eureka Global hosted Per Kristiansen from our close partner Trivium International. Together, we delivered a number of in-person workshops with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, in addition to these, we also did a several remote (on-line) workshops. Below we focus on the in-person workshops.

Clients ranged from national organization like The Stock Exchange of Thailand, and several leading public companies that are expanding regionally and globally.

So why was it so important for these clients to meet, and to do LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, what did they look for (and get).

We found that these three things stood out:

1. All of them are looking for a new aspiration moving toward the next normal, innovating for new S-Curve, taking their growth to next level, choosing collectively to shift and refocus on how they lead, respecting the past legacy while exploring the new possibilities together.

2. After months of closed offices, restrictions, and dramatic changes. they wanted to re-connect their leadership to rewire their businesses/ organizations

3. Create inclusive and engaging dialogues, in order surface insights from every member possible to move forward with confidence and commitment

Obviously, each client was different, but these three things formed the read thread in what we delivered to them.

What stood out for us was the energy and determination everyone brought with them into the workshop rooms. Respectful towards the health of others, cautious and careful, but clearly also energized by again being with other, exploring in robust yet playful conversations. Truly co-constructing the futures of their organizations.

The road to the next normal will be bumpy, and we are far from out of the Corona tunnel, but there light at the end. Our work early this year, the remote session in Jan-Feb and again in May and the in-person in Feb-March confirmed that in-person can deliver a unique value. In the future, there will probably be few

er, but expectations to each, the demanded quality will be higher. Put differently, the expected “Return on Investment” and “Return on Time“ will be higher, but, honestly, few things in our professional lives could make us happier.

Unfortunately, Thailand was later hit by a new wave of Delta variant and has had to go through another difficult period with lockdowns, but the silver lining is that the country now once again seems to be on a good trajectory.


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